Snow Emergency Declared
The City of Quincy has declared a Snow Emergency beginning Saturday, February 8th at 4pm -- A major winter storm is forecast for Saturday evening through Sunday. Snow emergency parking rules will be in place beginning at 4pm, Saturday, February 8, 2025. -- Residents may park on the EVEN numbered side of non-emergency neighborhood streets, but should always park in driveways if available. -- A list of emergency arteries can be found at -- Parking is prohibited on all designated emergency arteries. -- Residents on side streets posted permanently as one-side parking should park on the side always allowed. -- Cars parked in violation of emergency rules or impede snow plowing operations pose a public safety risk, and WILL BE TOWED. Regardless of parking rules, vehicles determined to be in obstruction of snow removal or emergency vehicles are subject to towing if not moved. -- For assistance, residents can use the City’s Snow Removal Request Form found at, email or call the DPW's snow operation hotline at 617-376-1927. -- For updates and emergency notices, please tune to Quincy Access Television; follow the City of Quincy’s Facebook or Instagram Pages.
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Quincy 400: A Better Quincy Would Rise
As part of this year's Quincy 400 Celebration, Quincy City Hall is hosting a special exhibit entitled "A Better Quincy Would Rise." The exhibit tells the story of Quincy's 300th anniversary celebration through photos, documents and stories.
Presidents' Day Winterfest
Afternoon and evening activities will take place from noon – 7:00 p.m. in and around the Hancock Adams Common, 1305 Hancock Street, under heated tents as well as inside Quincy City Hall and the Church of the Presidents.